Dojo Information:
Dojo Fee Schedule
Dojo Practice Schedule
Dojo Practice Locations
Rank Promotions
Dojo Fund Raising
Memo to Parents
End of year Party
Dojo Etiquette and Bowing
For Dojo Members Only - Post COVID Shutdown Return to Practice Sign Up
Dojo Practice Schedule and Location:
7:00 PM to 8:00 PM - Beginner Class
8:00 PM to 9:30 PM - Advanced Youth and Adult Class
San Jose Buddhist Church
640 North 5th Street
San Jose, CA
7:00 PM to 8:30 PM - Youth Advanced Class (17 and under only) any rank.
Location: Nichiren Buddhist Temple
3570 Mona Way
San Jose, CA
7:00 PM to 8:00 PM - Beginner Class
8:00 PM to 9:30 PM - Adults advanced class, any rank. Youth may attend with approval.
Location: Nichiren Buddhist Temple
3570 Mona Way
San Jose, CA
Dojo Fee Schedule:
Federation Fees:
San Jose Kendo Dojo is a non-profit organization that is part of the
Northern California Kendo Federation (NCKF),
which is itself part of the All United States Kendo Federation (AUSKF) and the
International Kendo Federation. Your membership to SJ Kendo Dojo
includes membership to these federations.
All members must pay the annual NCKF/AUSKF fee in January of each
year or upon joining the San Jose Kendo Dojo
New AUSKF Member Initiation Fee, $50
AUSKF Release of Liability Form
Monthly dues for San Jose Dojo:
17 Years and Under - $25.00/month
18 Years and Older - $30.00/month
Payment is due on the first practice of the month:
PayPal.Me ID: @sanjosekendo
Members are responsible for all monthly dues payments
(even if you do not practice/participate). The only exception is for
pre-approved extended leaves of absence by the Dojo Head Sense and/or
Dojo President.
Leave of Absence:
Leave of absence for a period of not less than 1 calendar month must be approved by the head sensei. Unapproved leave or unpaid dues for a period longer than 3 consecutive months may result in the cancellation of San Jose Dojo membership.
Three consecutive months of non-payment may result in cancellation of dojo membership. In order to be reinstated, the member must pay all monthly payments due including payments missed after the first 3 months plus a $25 reinstatement fee. In addition, after 3 notices of late payment, the member may be expelled from the dojo permanently.
A beginning kendoist will need to purchase a shinai. You may
purchase your shinai directly from the San Jose Kendo Dojo at the San
Jose Nichiren Temple practice facility (Thursday) A kendo Gi, Hakama,
and Bogu are not required for beginner practice.
Bogu is required for participation. Practice without Bogu is allowed with sensei approval.
It is mandatory that dojo members and their family participate in fund raisers to help defray operational costs. San Jose Kendo Dojo is a non-profit volunteer member operated organization. No one is paid to instruct or maintain the dojo.
The main source of funding comes from membership dues and fund raisers. Membership dues and tournament entry fees are kept low because of these fund raisers. Compared to other martial arts classes, kendo instruction is very inexpensive.
Costs include gymnasium rental, tournament expenses, summer camp, shimpan seminars, and promotional exams. The main fund raisers are the Nikkei Matsuri and Sakura Matsuri festivals held in late April or early May of each year. We also contribute time at the San Jose Buddhist Church's Obon Festival to help defray gymnasium rental costs.
It has become necessary for San Jose Kendo Dojo to implement a $25 per family fee for non-participation for each fund raiser. To avoid the fee, one person from a member's family is required to participate in one 4 hour shift for each of the 3 fund raisers. These fund raisers are on the dojo calendar available at the beginning of the year at and recruitment is begun well in advance.
Please help us keep our dues low and yet have a great and active program by providing a little of your time.
Tournament / Kendo activities:
There are several federation sponsored kendo tournaments throughout the year that a member can participate in. Tournament participation requires that the kendoist have a bogu. These include the annual North / South California tournament, Steveston Canada Tournament, and every three years All California Tournament , and AUSKF Tournament.
NCKF sponsored Kendo Camp (3days) taught by high ranking (8 Dan – Hachi-dan) Sensei(s) from Japan
San Jose Kendo Dojo also hosts a tournament each year. Dojo members and family members will be asked to help with the tournament activities.
Promotion test:
Promotion exams for rank advancement are conducted 2 times per year. See Head Sensei for approval to participate. For the test, the member demonstrates good kendo form (bogu required) in front of a panel of NCKF Sensei judges. A participation fee and a fee for the official federation promotion certificate (this is your official record of rank) will be collected in advance. The certificate fee will be refunded if advancement is not granted.
Dojo Picnic and Year-End Party:
The dojo has an annual summer picnic and an End of Year party. These are potluck with lots of good food and activities! Member family and friends are welcome to attend. This is a good way for everyone to get together with others and have a good time. At the year end party we will be collecting $10.00 per member for Sensei appreciation gifts, thanking them for their instruction, encouragement and support throughout the year.
Dojo Etiquette and Bowing:
Proper traditional dojo ettiquet is followed at all times in the dojo. The beginning and end of practice includes showing respect to the dojo, instructors and previous instructors in the form of bowing. Be sure to read the article on bowing on the FAQ page. There are NO exceptions. If you feel you can not do this, please do not test our resolve on the issue.
Memo to Parents Regarding Members Under the age of 14:
All members under the age of 14 will be required to have a parent/guardian/or approved adult (when car pooling) sign in with a contact phone number in case of emergency upon arriving and sign out upon leaving practice. Audits will be conducted occasionally. Participation will not be allowed if a parent/guardian/or approved adult does not sign in nor sign out their child.